Our History
McCracken Warehousing
Our story begins in the 1930s, an era of budding freight trucking. John William McCracken, born in 1905 in Applegate, Oregon, is the visionary founder of McCracken Brothers' Motor Freight. Alongside his brother, Edmund Earl McCracken, they embarked on a daring journey during the Great Depression.
The brothers, John and Edmund, operating as proprietors and the entire workforce, traversed between Eugene and Portland, making deliveries during the day and driving through the night. They'd meet halfway in Turner, switching trucks to complete the second leg of their routes.

Despite the turbulent economy, their determination paid off, and in 1935, McCracken Brothers' Motor Freight Company was born.
Fast forward to the post-World War II era, and our business flourished. In 1942, we proudly offered "complete freight coverage to all points out of Eugene." The city directory listed J.W. McCracken and his wife, Minnie, as the proprietors, with J.W. serving as the "manager and partner."
Our facility on 4th Street became a hub of activity, housing not only McCracken Brothers' but also other trucking companies, such as E.J. Bartell Co., Oregon Nevada California Fast Freight, Los Angeles Seattle Motor Express, Acme Fast Freight, and Siuslaw Motor Transport. Together, we expanded our reach, bringing goods from Portland to local destinations.
Our first warehouse, a small structure in Eugene, served us during the tough times of the 1930s and World War II. However, in the mid-1940s, we upgraded to a larger, versatile warehouse with the help of builder Wayne Shields. This move coincided with an era of increased availability of building materials after years of wartime scarcity.
The McCracken Brothers' Motor Freight building, which stands today, replaced our previous facilities and became the heart of our operations. The site holds historical significance, originally part of Eugene Skinner's land claim from 1847. It's nestled in a neighborhood that boomed with industrial construction following the arrival of the railroad in 1871.
Our building, reflecting the sleek modernity of the motor age, was an around-the-clock operation. We used the east side for cargo receipt and distribution along the main route to Portland, while the north side's loading dock was connected to the Southern Pacific railroad tracks for goods arriving by train.
In 1957, as the era of lift trucks (forklifts) dawned, we decommissioned the building as our primary terminal and warehouse. These technological advances rendered our two-story warehouse design obsolete.
However, the McCracken Brothers' Motor Freight building remains an enduring testament to our journey. In its later years, it served as a household storage space and hosted various tenants, including a local package delivery service.
Today, our operations continue at a new warehouse, designed to accommodate modern storage methods and industry equipment. It's a symbol of our adaptability and commitment to providing the best storage and logistics solutions.
Our history is a testament to our enduring commitment to quality, and we look forward to being a part of your success story, offering modern solutions to your storage and logistics needs. Contact us to learn how we can assist you.
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